Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Story Boarding- Straight Road

First time doing story boarding for a story regarding Life. This shows how a normal serious life meaning story can be converted into an interesting show/ film depending on how its written and how sounds can be incorporated in making it an interesting show/film.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Angry Apple Tree

The Sculpture is the Angry Apple Tree made for the Wizard of Oz. Made some improvements regarding the apple tree drawing, This was passed off  our own impression of Wizard of Oz characters.Changes made:
-he now has eyeballs...which are acorns
-he has his own characteristics
-now has a very large forehead. If a tree ever had a forehead.

Bar Model


First humanoid character ever molded. This is based off the little match girl. Who was an orphan and lives alone in the streets. Amu is not suppose to be a realistic character, rather a 2D character who belongs on shows for children. She lives happily hoping no hardship will ever make her sad, because she has her precious bunny that someone important gave it to her.

Graphic Design

Some Graphic Design Work using a new program. Worked out pretty well for something new! This graphic design was inspired by Alice in Wonderland, the Red Roses. It takes some getting use to the program, but you can do lots regarding the tools given to use. Maybe one day I can do some graphic design work as a side job!

Life Drawing

Element Drawing

Life Drawing 1

Water Creature

Just a little practice on digital painting and working on a dynamic pose.

Texture Drawings

These are some close up drawings of animals textures. Can you guess what animals these textures belong to.

Indoor Enviroment

The Second time I have worked on modeling. This isn't my best work due to giving myself more work then I could do in the time frame I had, but it is not that bad for an clean environment


First Environmental Modeling I have ever done. It is just a basic alleyway. My apologies for the horrible background.

Traditional work

Spray Paint Art

So...A blog to start off the break!

My name is Betty Guo, though my artist name is BT. I am an artist in both traditional and digital artwork. I am working towards 3D modeling, though am also learning new skills on other digital art departments. I am also a very cheerful, energetic worker! So this blog will include artwork of traditional and digital mediums for projects and sketches. All artwork is done by me unless otherwise started.